The New Market & Head House Conservancy was born out of a passionate commitment to breathe life back into one of Philadelphia’s most cherished landmarks—the historic Head House and Shambles. This landmark, including the iconic Isaiah Lukens clock and the Head House cupola, are in urgent need of repair after years of deterioration. Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1966, the Headhouse has served as a market, firehouse, office, and gathering space since the 18th century.

The Conservancy is not just preserving bricks and mortar; it is reigniting the soul of a space that has been central to Philadelphia’s story for over 250 years. Our board of directors is made up of members of the community from the fields of law, business, and historic preservation, who have dedicated countless hours to this effort.

With your support, we can restore the heart of this district, bringing back the energy, vitality, and sense of community that these historic spaces have nurtured for so long. The estimated $1.5 million restoration cost is daunting, but with your tax-deductible donations, we can ensure that future generations experience the magic of this living monument. Help us safeguard this irreplaceable piece of history—our history—so it can continue to inspire and unite for centuries to come.